For Employers
To secure child care for your employees contact:
Children's Resource and Referral for Individual or Enhanced Referrals (805) 925-7071
Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council for employer/child care partnerships cpatterson@sbceo.org
Employer Resources
7 Ways Employers Can Support Working Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
7 ways employers can support working parents during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
A post-COVID world means employers must plan for employees to face additional child care challenges, school closures, and the need to take time off to care for themselves or a loved one. Family-friendly business practices such as paid leave, support for child care, flexible work options, and other policies outlined in our Guide to Family Forward Workplaces will help employers.
COVID-19 Return to Work Rapid Response Program
Spread the Word about the Santa Barbara County Emergency Child Care Website
Download and distribute this English/Spanish flyer to your employees.